Archive | October, 2011

Lack of Jobs in America

18 Oct

One in six Americans, 17 percent, is underemployed. That’s nearly 25 million people who are out of work, have given up looking, or been forced to take a part time job. The recession has wiped out 15 percent of our manufacturing workforce. That’s more than 2 million jobs that will likely never come back.

This graph published in 1998 projected the loss of jobs in the types of occupations listed.
Keep in mind this only shows the top ten occupations. The numbers are in thousands of jobs.

job losses

This graph published in 2000 projected the loss of jobs in the types of occupations listed.
Keep in mind this only shows the top ten occupations.

job losses

OccupyDallas Update

18 Oct

On Saturday October 15th, Occupy released a declaration of purpose which clearly stated why they exist as an organization, and its goals. Posted below is an excerpt of the declaration…

“As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies… Exercise your right to: peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face; generate solutions accessible to everyone.”
This is our declaration of purpose:
– OccupyDallas will continue to exercise its rights to peaceably assemble.
– We will continue to occupy public space until the voice of the 99% is no longer silenced by the voice of the 1%
– We will work to create a process to address the problems we face.
– We will work to generate solutions accessible to everyone. OccupyDallas will continue to stand in solidarity with the occupations in the United States and around the world.

It is stated to have being released in conjunction with their solidarity march which took place on the Goldman Sachs building.

Marches on AT&T and Walmart are listed as upcoming events on the website.

– Millicent Afeame

Statue dedicated to Martin Luther king

17 Oct

I think that President Obama did a good thing cuz there has not been any statue of African americans throughout the U.S history and I appreciate what Mlk did by protesting against inequality.
Patrick Uchebo

OWS: Communist and Nazi party

17 Oct

Great news: OWS now endorsed by both Communist and Nazi Parties

Just yesterday, Barack Obama asserted that Martin Luther King, Jr would have supported the Occupy Movement.  If so, he would have found himself in the midst of some strange bedfellows:

In a move that may redefine the term “strange bedfellows,” the American Nazi Party issued an official endorsement of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement on Sunday afternoon. The announcement put the organization, a self-described “National Socialist” political party, in company with the Socialist Party USA, which explained its own support for the left-wing protesters in a nationwide conference call last Tuesday night, crediting organized labor with the protests’ strength and sophistication to date.

The American Nazi Party is the most politically sophisticated U.S. remnant — but by no means the only one — of white supremacist Adolph Hitler’s murderous 20th century movement. The party calls Hitler’s Mein Kampf “an ideological blueprint for healthy Aryan survival.”

In its statement on Sunday, the Westland, Mich.-based Nazi party wrote that the Occupy Wall Street protests are “TAYLOR [sic] MADE for National Socialists, as well as WN [White Nationalists] who are serious about DOING SOMETHING.”

“I urgently URGE all of you,” the statement’s unnamed author added, “to TAKE PART and JOIN IN when these protests hit your neck of the woods. Produce some flyers EXPLAINING the ‘JEW BANKER’ influence — DON’T wear anything marking you as an ‘evil racist’ — and GET OUT THERE and SPREAD the WORD!”

Hey, they’re way ahead of you Nazis on that score.  Just check out the pics from Zombie and Ringo from Occupy LA to see just why the Nazis might be cheering these protests from the sidelines — or maybe even closer to the action.  We posted it before, but this video from Reason also shows why the Nazis think they can find fertile recruiting ground at Occupy rallies:

Interviewer: “Name and affiliation?”

Occupy Los Angeles protester: “Patricia McAllister, I’m here representing myself but I do work for the Los Angeles Unified School District. I think that the Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve — which is not run by the federal government — they need to be run out of this country.”

Now the White House has apparently decided to align itself with Communists and Nazis, at least for the political benefit:

President Obama and his team have decided to turn public anger at Wall Street into a central tenet of their reelection strategy.

The move comes as the Occupy Wall Street protests gain momentum across the country and as polls show deep public distrust of the nation’s major financial institutions.

And it sets up what strategists see as a potent line of attack against Republican front-runner Mitt Romney, a former investment executive whom Obama aides plan to portray as a wealthy Wall Street sympathizer.

Perhaps Obama should start with an explanation of how MLK Jr would have found himself on the same side as Nazis in any public issue, especially after yesterday’s explicit suck-up to the movement during the dedication ceremony for King’s monument.  I’d love to hear him connect King’s exhortation to judge men by the content of their character with the rampant anti-Semitism displayed at the Occupy rallies to such an extent that it has Nazis cheering.

Milton Friedman – GREED!!

16 Oct

Comparison: Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street

16 Oct

US troops to pursue Lord’s resistance army leader

15 Oct

I am happy that justice will soon be served. Patrick uchebo



Occupy Wall Street goes Global

15 Oct


Citizens at Italy movilizing to make Occupy Rome possible

Mauricio Mancilla

Expensive textbooks

15 Oct

I think that we should all come together and protest against it  to the dean or someone else I’m higher authority and see if something will be done about it.

Occupy Wall Street!!

15 Oct


October 12, 2011

So far, the only major accomplishment of the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters is that they have finally put an end to their previous initiative, “Occupy Our Mothers’ Basements.”

Oddly enough for such a respectable-looking group — a mixture of adolescents looking for a cause, public sector union members, drug dealers, criminals, teenage runaways, people who have been at every protest since the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, Andrea Dworkin look-alikes, people 95 percent of whose hair is concentrated in their ponytails and other average Democrats — they can’t even explain what they’re protesting.

The protesters either treat inquiries about their purpose as a trick question, or — worse — instantly rattle off a series of insane causes: “No. 1, abolish capitalism; No. 2, because 9/11 was an inside job; No. 3, because Mumia is innocent …”

Curiously, the only point universally agreed upon by the protesters and their admirers in the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is that “Occupy Wall Street” should be compared to the tea party. Yes, that would be the same tea party that has been denounced and slandered by the Democratic Party and the mainstream media for the last three years.

As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers “angry mobs” and “rabid right-wing extremists.” ABC said they were a “mob.” CNN accused them of “rabble rousing.” Harry Reid called them “evil mongers.” Nancy Pelosi said they were “un-American.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper and every single host on MSNBC called the tea partiers a name that referred to an obscure gay sex act.

But apparently liberals couldn’t even convince themselves that tea partiers were an extremist group unworthy of emulation.

At least they’re embarrassed about what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party.

Contrary to all the blather you always hear about how lawless street protests and civil disobedience are part of the American tradition — “what our troops are fighting for!” — they are not. We are an orderly people with democratic channels at our disposal to change our government.

The very reason we have a constitutional republic is because of a mob uprising. Soon after the American Revolution, Shays’ Rebellion so terrified and angered Americans that they demanded a federal government capable of crushing such mobs.

For nearly 200 years, Americans understood that they lived in a country capable of producing bad politicians and bad policies, but that was subject to change through peaceful, democratic means. There was no need to riot or storm buildings because we didn’t have a king. We had a representative government.

Even when injustice existed, there were constitutional mechanisms to right wrongs.

For nearly a century after the Civil War, congressional Republicans kept introducing bills that implemented the civil rights amendments — only to be blocked by segregationist Democrats. But then, attorney Thurgood Marshall came along and began winning cases before the Supreme Court, redeeming black Americans’ constitutional rights through the judiciary.

As long as a Republican sat in the White House, those victories were enforced. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock, Ark., to walk black children to school in defiance of the segregationist, Democratic governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus — Bill Clinton’s friend.

This is what our Constitution was designed for: to use the force of the federal government to uphold the law when the states couldn’t (Shays’ Rebellion) or wouldn’t (segregationist Democrats).

If Richard Nixon had won the 1960 election instead of John F. Kennedy — as some say he did — there never would have been a need for Rosa Parks, the Freedom Rides and the rest of the civil disobedience of the civil rights movement.

But as soon as the Democrats got control of the White House, enforcement of the Supreme Court’s civil rights rulings came to a crashing halt. Elected Democrats in the states were free to violate legitimate constitutional rulings without interference from Democratic presidents.

The ingenious system given to us by our founding fathers faltered on the morally corrupt obstructionism of elected Democrats. They simply refused to abide by the rules — with glee at the state level, and at the federal level, with cowardice.

Here, finally, was an appropriate case for nonviolent protest. There hasn’t been another justification for civil disobedience in this country until the Supreme Court invented a “right” to abortion in Roe v. Wade — another act of lawlessness by liberals.

(All this and more is detailed in the smash best-seller, “Demonic: How the Liberal Mobs Are Endangering America”!)

Now liberals compare their every riot, every traffic blockage, every Starbucks-window-smashing street protest to the civil rights movement –- which was only necessary because of them. These “Occupy Wall Street” ignoramuses seem to imagine they are blacks living in 1963 Alabama under Democratic governor George Wallace.

To the contrary, the Wall Street protesters have no specific objections and no serious policy proposals in a country that is governed, as Abraham Lincoln put it, “by the people.” They protest because they enjoy creating mayhem, not because the law is being ignored or their rights violated without penalty by government officials.

They are not in the tradition of the tea partiers, much less our founding fathers. They are not in the tradition of the civil rights movement or Operation Rescue. They are in the tradition of Shays’ Rebellion, the Weathermen and Charles Manson.

